Saturday, September 30, 2006
I remembered a few strange and random things that happened yesterday
1. When Izzy walked over my sensor for the gate, the gate opened.
It usually only automatically opens the gate when a car rolls over it.
Me and Jia tried jumping on it but it still did not work.
I do hope she did not spoil my gate sensor.
2. Izzy, Jia and I took a maxi cab home, cos Izzy flagged it down.
It was really strange because it was the first time I sat in one
and we flagging it down is so scary. It was like some family van
To make it worse it looked like we came from the airport since I
was carrying my laguage from school.
3. Izzy made up a song it made me think of becksie, playing basketball.
4. Chloe and I made 'Jesus Loves me' into a emo child song by singing it and
playing with a pair of scissors and because we were studying Social Suicide (SS)
5. Adele is so cute, her and solution is so funny.
Its this little things in life that make thing that much bareable.
7:05 pm;
Friday, September 29, 2006
PE was kickass fun,
playing multigames felt really good to get myself moving
Izzy has a phobia of balls bigger than a floorball.
Anyway I found out that Adele, Jia and I are sitting in a row for the exams
Its pretty cool.
I am trying so hard to be positive about this damned exam
Its getting tiring trying to carry a smile on my face.
I have yet to figure out how to glorify God through exams.
Because I am one big wreck now.
11:31 pm;
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Chloe the Bun just left!
Free from non-stop laughter and brainless stuff.
We were quite productive okay!
I finished 1 Emath Paper
Typical though everytime anyone comes over, we end up playing with the camera.
Oh well wonderful destresser.
This halloween shall be fun too
I think they are all coming down to my house for trick&treating!
Since we are all leaving on the 31st for sabbaticals,
we can still go for the one at my neighbourhood.
Swanky, Chloe suggested we all dress up as TimSums.
So I wanted Izzy to wrap herself with a yellow piece of cloth and wear a orange cap.
Now she is SIEW MAI!
Another person should also wear some fluffy white dress thing and colour your face red.
So we have a PAU!
We would go source for a huge bamboo basket thing
and we can walk around like that
That was a nice early morning conversation.
I CANNOT wait for after exams
6:14 pm;
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I amuse myself.Exams are killing me big time. Study&study the whole day long, it sucks
I cannot get Amath, I am majorly freaked out for Chem and Bio and I am worried sick about Geog that I cannot finish.
Doood this is so not cool.
I was convinced I had a high fever this afternoon, but it was actually 'too much amath' syndrome.
I cannot remember a single table for Chem its driving me insane.
Amath is a sucidal receipe
I should stop caring about exams so much.
There is more to life than this.
Farewell, fellow Earthlings
6:48 pm;
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Rebekah!
1. The most dangerous form of Rebekah is the bicycle.
2. Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and Rebekah has 7!
3. Rebekah, from the movie of the same name, had green blood.
4. More people are killed by Rebekah each year than die in aeroplane accidents.
5. It takes 8 minutes for light to travel from the Sun's surface to Rebekah.
6. Rebekah has 118 ridges around the edge.
7. The Church of Scientology was founded in 1953, at Washington D.C., by Rebekah.
8. Rebekahology is the study of Rebekah.(AHEM MISSIONS)
9. Only 55 percent of Americans know that the sun is made of Rebekah.
10.If you drop Rebekah from more than three metres above ground level, she will always land feet-first
11:04 pm;
Today was some carnival thing in church, so our class had to man two booths.
I am not really sure what the other booth was, I just ended up doing the squirting one.
Its the one where you have to squirt water at tealights and extinguish them.
So anyway I got bored so I went around stamping people with the cool uh stamp.
Me and Bernice would approach them innocently and say HELLO!
before proceeding to stamp people.
Edward was the best, we stamped him and walked away, he did not know.
Oh well, me and Choey also decided to write on our foreheads.
So I had to go around with 'I am a moron' on my forehead for the rest of the day.
Anyway when I finally sat down and helped to refil water guns.
People started squirting everybody, so I became wet.
It was quite funny, I was shooting from the side when Bernice was relighting the candles,
Anyway there was like some all out squirting war. I felt quite wet.
Ian Yang kept blowing bubbles, he looked like he was addicted to smoking or something.
Janitor Ang also thought it would be rather cool to mop the ground under me.
He also proceeded to be a grumpy old janitor scolding us about dirty toilets :/
Next he also decided to attack me by just pouring water on my head.
How matured.
The whole place was wet at the end of the day and I was dead tired.
Choey, Caroline, Faith and I went to jump on the bouncy castle.
It was highly retarded and tiring,
we kept falling over.
Ohyes, Ben's sword really sucked.
My flower was much much cooler and better.
The kids were really cute too!
Thank god I did not see that scary lil kid from communion.
I would have freaked.
Stayed back and taught Damien chemistry.
It is exasperating. I had to teach him how to write and balance chemical equations.
He still does not get it.
When his exams are coming. Tsk.
I feel kinda bad, cos I barely did any studying this whole weekend.
I am very very very screwed for EOYs.
I woke up at 4am last night cos I was dreamnt that I had nothing to write for Bio
It kept me awake for 30 mins?
Oh yes today I got 4
'Today is international day for people with special needs...' messages in the morning.
That makes it a total of 6 this whole year.
Excuse me but it does not show how retarded I am,
nor does it prove ANYTHING.
RAWR! It aint funny!
I am not retard.
Random point, my CHI pet which I have been growing on my desktop (hahaha) has been doing really fine.
It now has GRASS!
OHHH funkyness
2:27 pm;
Friday, September 22, 2006
Today was one awesome day,
out of the many tiresome mugging days that I have gone through.
Many funny and good things happened today,
which is all hilarious and refreshing (even though I feel guilty for not studying at all)
#1 Secret Club!
Hahaha you guys make me laugh.
I cant believe I told you all those things
It is a secret so SHHHH
Adele is so hilarious with Potassium.
Potassium is wayyyy too reactive a metal yea?
#2 Izzy&Jia Crashing my house
They are so idioitic.
Izzy is a danger to any home owner.
Today she broke my stove, whilst trying to turn it on to cook her instant noodles.
I tell you I was like OMG IZZY!
She pulled the WHOLE KNOB OFF!
And she fixed it on the wrong way.
It was so scary!
After lunch they decided to go up to my room and do stupid things.
TeeHee, I am resisting with every fiber of my body to NOT POST PICTURES
I assure you that you would just roll over from laughter.
It is so hilarious, we spent 45 mins taking pictures.
I think they are coming back after exams to do it again,
and blast cheena piang music in my room.
Okay I cannot resist,
I shall post those not so unglam photos
Izzy Rapes me
Chloe be Jealous. HAHAH!
Not so horrid one
YAY! I like having them over. I laughed till I had abs.
Next week Chloe and Adele are coming over I think to 'study'
Yea right. I bet we'll end up doing retarded things and end up doing nothing
or have an secret club meeting or something
I love riding.
Its the one thing I look forward to.
#4 Cell!Always hilarious.
With our strange girl talks and analogies.
It is like the teacup story!
Hahaha, its really nice just to chill with all of them
Laugh at everyone.
YAY! I feel high and happy because today was a GOOD DAY
And I thank God for that (:
10:37 pm;
Thursday, September 21, 2006
You'know I have these random suddenly urges of worried feelings
Like one second I will be like OH SHIT! CHEM! SS!
And the next I cant remember a thing 'cept all I know is that my heat is pounding.
It wont really end will it?
Anyway I pray that God will give me rest and peace.
Studying for chem is so demoralizing when you have some smart ass going
'reactivity series is easy...those just read once can remember...'
Fine be all smart and all.
While I continue to stare at the table.
Anyway MGS ROCs is surprisingly smooth.
Its strange and I feel like i am living in some alternate universe.
9:00 pm;
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I have never really wanted to grow up
I will not go on haitus even though exams are coming,
I feel quite accomplished coming online for 30 mins max.
Today I tore somethings heats into millions of tiny pieces,
with Chloe.
It is surprisingly theraputic.
I was considering on buying a few just to chop up.
Just for destressing.
No I am not morbid.
Its just cool, poking my finger through the aorta, pulmonary artries/veins.
Detaching the Chordae Tendon and semilunar valves.
And slicing up the Median Septum savagely.
Watching Grace 'pump' the heart.
Now I shall go back to my reactivity series:
Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Alumninium, Zinc...
I swear it is the studying that's getting to me.
5:50 pm;
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I just had a REALLY good laugh after a long crappy day.
I had this conversation with Denise:
deenosaur! says:
haha i forgot to tell you
deenosaur! says:
deenosaur! says:

BECKY; † Jesus is my superhero says:
deenosaur! says:
then prash said smt like

deenosaur! says:
its my fault i was born like that my FATHER GAVE BIRTH TO ME

deenosaur! says:
and he didnt realise it and EVERYONE WAS LAUGHING LIKE MAD

deenosaur! says:
then after games we were at caltex laughing at him

deenosaur! says:

BECKY; † Jesus is my superhero says:

deenosaur! says:
which made everyone laugh EVEN MORE and we were like okay you should just be quiet now before you make a bigger fool of yourself!

deenosaur! says:

BECKY; † Jesus is my superhero says:
hahah i would like to see him give birth

deenosaur! says:

deenosaur! says:
now you got something to tease him about hahahhaha

BECKY; † Jesus is my superhero says:

BECKY; † Jesus is my superhero says:
wait doesnt he know that perming is like not natural

deenosaur! says:
yah i should HOPE SO! haha

BECKY; † Jesus is my superhero says:
Prash the ultimate moron
That totally made my day so much better
I think I have a new set of abs just laughing at Prash.

Doods chill it with the RI boys hahaha
Its my mother's wild fantasies
Anyway I would not marry a typical RI boy, it would be like marrying my dad.
Its gross, even though ADELE NG thinks he is hot.
I think she is just mentally challenged
9:40 pm;
Faith is currently forcing me to listen to Jay Chou
I do not understand a word he is tring to say.
Anyway, exams are 12 days away?
This is unfair, it totally sucks.
I taught Adele how to play the cool calculator game, far cooler than Beulah's strange tapping game.
She is still unable to beat me hah.
I shall go and study right now.
Being online wastes my life away
5:29 pm;
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Now MGS can take part, because we are good.
I have not felt so very happy in a long time.
The weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders
I think it did not set in today until we went up onto stage to collect our certificates.
After 6 months of slogging, almost quitting, tearing out hairs out, screaming at the MRSA.
It paid off, I have no idea how we managed too
All I can say it is by the grace of God, that a mircale happened?
Our presentation went without a hitch, cos God was with us I believe.
God deserves all Glory for this distinction, because it was him who invented all these things and giving us the knowledge to persue it.
Seriously, we were surrounded with projects that were far mor complex and superior than our's but somehow, things worked out. Its really awesome.
Winning it for the school for the very first time in history was also really great.
I feel proud of what we have done.
Yet there is this deep sense of nostalgia,
it is like I cannot bear to leave SMP behind.
It was kinda of like OBS, torturous and sickening when you are going through it.
When it comes to the end, I miss it like mad.
Its crazy but its after 6 months
I cannot seem to say bye to Lithium Chloride and Polymycin B.
Oh well, We might be extending our project and doing another science fair.
I sound like such a science geek.
Ahh well, Lisa and I are insane.
Anyway, my mother was trying to hint very indiscreetly that I should look out for hot RI boys during SMP.
Saying that they are:
1. smart
2. earns lots of money
3. Brains will cover for the looks
She was so rawr!
Halfway through at the poster presentation
'Eh i just saw a handsome RI boy! LOOK! LOOOOOK!'
I swear I wanted to just die, thank god Lisa was not there.
I think she was have died from laughter right there
Anyway its my mothers dream for me to marry a RI boy.
Seriously, its so strange to go uh socialising in a a-line skirt that made you resemble some muffin along with the oversized blazers at a GEP science fair.
The whole situation is just so strange.
Really strange.
10:12 pm;
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I do not eat chocolates much I indulge once in a while
I think this is the 2nd normal sized bar of chocolate this year?
Most are just mini size party bag sorts
due to the fact that I detest milk chocolate which is highly sweet (but I still eat them anyway)
So Laoshi gave us this dark chocolate Hershey's bar a month ago because we all passed
That's why must savour because I for once did well for chinese.
Anyway I have been eating one cube (1 bare: 12 cubes. The parts where they sort of cut it up) every two days since before I put my braces on.
Eat in moderation see. Better than gobbling down a whole bar in a day
In between I get to lead a healthy life(lose the chocolate weight).
My chocolate eating escapade was halted for a while due to the widely discussed braces.
Anyway so I resumed my routine of eating my 1 every 2 days on sunday, with all my chocolate portions accounted for.
Today, is chocolate eating day and I open my fridge, to my horror there were only 3 cubes left.
Feeling really angry I had to find the chocolate thief. 9 chocolates cube gone? that is like 2 weeks worth of chocolate bliss.
Anyway its not my maid whom does not like dark chocolate.
My mum would not have touched it since she just got her wonderful supply of chocolates from dunno where.
I do not dare to eat does. They look deadly.
Furthermore, I was with my mum the whole night.
Anyway I presume its my dad who was sitting downstairs last night doing work.
My study food, gone.
If he eats my bannana nut crunch bits till there is no more.
That's it man.
I will start eating his MUSLI!
I think I should go interrogate him tonight.
Sneaky chocolate, yogurt stealer
So today I just ate up the remaining pieces, just in case my dad decides to eat them up too.
This is a pointless post to destress while I mourn over the nearing of exams and the loss of dark chocolate hersey bar.
5:23 pm;
Sunday, September 10, 2006
One day I am just gonna pop
like a weasel.
I cannot wait till the week before the exam because all the events would be OVER!
Next week SMP would be long over
I can finally say BYEBYE to MRSA forever.
One less thing to worry about.
Week after next SDW would be over and HALLELUJAH!
Seriously. I feel so guilty for not studying as much as I am supposed to.
Its like everyone is mugging their brains out
Studies come first! I could just die right now.
Anyway next week is gonna be a rush.
Actually I can only relax once MGSROCs concert is over.
That's when I can truly start to play.
I shall think happy thoughts.
Going to thailand for one extra weekend!
Which means I can see Thunder more.
Hopefully we can stay in the church at least we get to hang around the neighbourhood.
Last night I dreamnt that I had this door in my room which led to Thailand.
So everytime I wanted to go visit them I would just have to step through the door.
So I would so over every day to play on the swing.
December holidays will come soon, right after 3 weeks of torture.
I can survive.
9:13 pm;
Friday, September 08, 2006
After a strange dose of emo shit
I feel happy
because Faith sent me PHOTOS
I stared at them and I feel happy like no ones business.
Nothing fails to make me happy other than my pretty horsies!
They are neither big nor smelly.
They are lovely and totally adorable.
but he is just so cute. AAHHHH

I love Bea!
I cannot say any words containing 'S' properly
It comes out as
and Oral is like on wednesday
11:00 pm;
Today was one big rush
Woke up rushed to MGSROCs meeting
It was just kinda of a waste of time, since we spent most of the time discussing about pointless matters.
I ended up playing Klabutong with Chloe and Beu behind the computer whilst taking down the minutes and listening.
Not surfing animal porn which Mrs Choo thought I was since the Pau put that silly idea in her head.
After a meeting which took forever to get over with ended.
Went to get Faith, came home and realised Faith is totally incapable of using my computer.
Headed down to the club, hanged around to study.
Faith was positively scared of anything that moved.
Even Bea!
How can you be afraid of Bea?!
She is so darn sweet even though she is a typical chestnut mare, but still!
She is so cute and wonderful.
I love Bea she cheers me no matter what.
Just thinking about her cheers me up actually.
Along with Thunder.
Anyway she was also afraid of Tarzan our residential stable cat.
Silly woman.
Riding was awesome as always though Songkla can be such a nerd and all.
He does this really irritating head bopping thing, it keeps making me think he is lame.
Actually he is not, its just a nasty habit.
I think I overstrained my back by riding too enthuiatically with my seat.
Oh well, had a mini MGSROCs meeting with Emma during cell worship
I will NOT get stressed over things like this.
Anyway cell enlightening.
Yet, I find myself always doubting.
Human Nature?
Lack of Faith.
Most probably.
Its life just throwing me so many questions that I cannot handle.
Because its beyond me.
Its something I do not know where I belong anymore.
Yet, I know I am child of God.
Is that all that matters?
I mean there are so many wordly issues that seem so minute in God's eyes
but its like some rut in the road which I cannot get out off.
I keep telling myself, no this is not worth it.
There much be so much more than this.
Far more than what people throw at me.
I really sound like a brat who whines all day long.
Yea I am, insult me more than.
Because maybe I forgot how to pray.
Prayer deludes me now.
I feel like drop dead and dying now.
Like I need to run away from all this. Change might be a good thing after all.
I would never know would I.
Thanks for nothing
10:29 pm;
Thursday, September 07, 2006
3 consecutive days of porridge is not something I fancy.
Along with the fact that the only snack I can eat is yogurt.
I lost like a kg already.
When I actually start to eat I have absolutely no appetite.
So I end up not eating much.
This sucks.
I would not be complaining that much, but today
my grandma's maid just HAD to cook up a storm.
With all the Bali chicken, curry sotong and beef rendang.
So I felt so grumpy as a bowl of lumpy, curdy porridge stare at me.
I want to eat chips and cream crackers!
8:49 pm;
Monday, September 04, 2006
Just could not resist, just looking at these pictures made me laugh.
Birthday Girls!
Don'tCha think Bessie is so hot looking like a ahsoh
Izzy was modelling, trying to find the best position for her legs.
So Adele&I just had to ruin the picture
I have no idea what we are doing
ohwell I love both of them to bits! Cheering me up with stupid random things
Yea Chloe was being an idiot.
At this point Jo who has really bad photographing skills was shouting
I know we are all strange.
Yaye! All of us (plus Jia&Syl)
Chloe&I gave Izzy something she always wanted.
It was such a tramatic experience getting it for her.
I nearly died. I was on my way to my orthadonist and I saw him.
Anywayy, Salvatore is gonna come and cook for me soon!
Faith wants me to do this quiz thingymahjig
Name twenty people you can think of right now.Don't read the question(s)until you've named the 20 people.At the end of this, choose five people to do this.1. Faith
2. Choey
3. Chloe
4. Adele
5. Celine
6. Isabel
7. Beulah
8. Joelle
9. Grace
10. Bessie
11. Raina
12. Syl
13. Joelle
14. D.Ang
15. Kenneth
16. Prashannth
17. Cheryl
18. WeiLin
19. Xavier
20. HannahWong
How did you meet #14? ( D.Ang) : In P2, 830 Primary Sunday School
What would you do if you didn't meet #1? ( Faith ) : I would have no one to laugh at how taitai she is. No more bestfriend ):
What if #9 and #20 dated? ( Grace & HannahWong ) : Poor Grace.
Would #6 and #17?( Isabel & Cheryl ) : Poor Cheryl
Describe #3: ( Chloe ) : Ahem. BO superstar, PornStar, Peacock, Overstuffed Pau Face, Groccer from the grossery store, bimbo wannabe, Barbie doll, idiotic cow. I think thats all?
#8 attractive? ( Joelle ) : oh yes in the girl at the window way
Describe #7 ( Beulah ) : SPASMING OTTER! She is so cute,random and funny. Haha really tries really hard to cheer you up when you are down. Awww. Yes Bo-bra you are so funky.
#12 family members ? ( Syl ) : Yea she is like my grandpa who sleeps all day long and scares everyone with her german shepherd hair so that everyone won't disturb her when she is sleeping.
#18 confess to you that he likes you ( Weilin ) : thats would be totally off.
What language does #15 speak ? ( Kenneth ) : the language which I would not understand since he is of lower intelligence. I assume its gibberish.
Who is #9 going out with ? ( Grace ) : I dunno?
How old is #16 ? ( Prashannth ) : 14/15?
When is the last time you spoke to #13 ? ( Joelle ) : Yesterday
Who is number #2's favourite band / singer ? ( Choey ) : The Click Five ? I'm not sure, she listen to like all sorts of songs. Maybe she likes bollywood :D
Would you ever date #4 ? ( Adele ) : I am supposed to be married to her? I am not sure if we are divorced. If so, boohoo
Would you ever date #1 ? ( Faith ) : Ohmy, I would be nagged till my ears bled
Is #19 single ? ( Xavier ) : I think so?
What is #10's last name ? ( Bessie ) : Goh
Would you ever go into a relationship with #11 ? ( Raina ) : She would eat my head first
School of #3 ? ( Chloe ) : Methodist Girls' School.
Where does # 6 live ? ( Isabel ) : Serangooonnnn
What's your favourite thing about #5 ? ( Celine ) : Her 'intelligence' and idiotic comments
Have you seen #2 naked ? ( Choey ) : I dont really want to
The 5 lucky people who got picked are :
That was a waste of time, but i dont want to treat Faith to Island Creamry
8:31 pm;
Sunday, September 03, 2006
I am so insanely tired.
Ohmygosh. I could just die now.
However, my hair is wet since I do not want to wake up tomorrow looking like shiz,
I must persevere.
Anyway today was lotsa fun, morning till night of non-stop activities.
Woke up thanks to the vibrating of my phone,
lumbered around abit trying to realise it was Sunday.
Crawled into my clothes and headed to Newtown to meet Chloe the Pau and ChuanYu the PinkStar
They proved to be good entertainment on the long 1hr train ride to Expo.
Insulting my intelligence, how much I whine and etc.
Anyway City Harvest is definitely something new, no idea if I can ever embrace it but still cool.
Somehow halfway through worship Beu appeared I only knew she was there by her uh ugly? shoes.
The sermon was slightly strange about marriage?
So I was like uhh okaayy.
Its nice not to know anyone in the crowd at times.
Oh well I do not really want to think about these sort of things now.
After that, went down to RafflesCity to buy birthday presents and such.
Chloe's Parents happened to be there so I got treated to Ben&Jerrys HEHE.
Shopped around and started panicking.
My feet felt there did not belong to my body.
Anyway went down to CenterPoint to get Izzy's Special present.
Bought Ice Cream and all.
Chloe was an idiot
'Dont put the icecream near me I am too hot'
I felt like whacking her with it.
CelineBeulahIzzy Party was so hilarious.
I tell you I love all those people so much.
They are like bras always supporting you HAHAHA
I had so much fun scaring Bessie&Grace when they came out of the lift.
Bessie tried to hide behind Grace's hair, which was so stupid.
Anyway first we went down to the pool and like played pass the parcel.
It was so insane.
Celine had to give birth to R.Ong & Chloe had to breast-feed her.
All the forfeits were amazingly funny thanks to our creativity.
Izzy just gave me a testimonial.
Anyway, just watching all of them do such retarded stuff was super funny.
Since Celine won, I dunked her in the pool.
All of them are so amazingly easy to dunk.
Anyway played musical chairs saw Izzy barrel around ALOT more.
It was deadly.
More dunking, everyone that was in the right physical state got dunk.
Dinner was classic. Everyone stuffing themselves with food.
Going high on coke and singing very bad renditions of songs.
Especially when Bessie did not know what 'Accidentally in Love was'
So many more retarded moments like air guitaring and drumming.
Dancing around like morons too.
My memory fails me now.
Oh well.
Just a night of lots of laughs, hanging out with cool friends.
Bessie is lousy at all concentrating games, its just a blast to watch her try.
I am sure either Chloe,Izzy or Celine will photo blog soon.
I just dread to see the embarassing photos of everything.
I will lose all dignity I ever had.
Anyway parent&child talk went rather well thank you very much.
They did not deviate to some strange topic of my future or something.
RAWR tomorrow is the start of mugging. Joy
'If you go to the airport and study. You will pass with flying colours!'
11:27 pm;
Friday, September 01, 2006
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!MrsLim,MrsRaj,MrYeo,MrLim,MrsYYLim,MrsOng,MrsTan,MissNg,MrsChoo,MdmChu
The cool¬ so cool teachers in my life.
Yesterday's meeting was so amazingly long,
I nearly died.
Anyway Bea is still <3
She is so insanely sweet.
Darcy is cute too, but he is so hard to stop.
and he keeps going.
Its so infuriating.
Sunday is coming!
How random can this get.
Adele scares me.
8:43 pm;